Regular Expressions Support
This words returns TRUE if it finds a matching string is found when comparing argument text with a regular expression.
#( test_re_match \ with the help of a regular expression, let's find \ in directory 'c:\xxx' all the files whose names start \ with characters 'vk_' followed by 3 digits, \ e.g., 'vk_123test.txt', 'vk_324.gif', vk_647999.pdf' etc. NoActive Action: FOR-FILES: "c:\xxx\*" RE-MATCH: "%FOUND-FILENAME%" "/vk_\d\d\d.*/i" IF \ ... performing the required actions THEN ;FOR-FILES )#
A postfix version of this word also exists:
S" text" S" /regexp/" RE-MATCH
Detailed description of regular expressions' syntax can be found here.
See also Notes.
RE-ALL: "text" "/regexp/" <...> ;RE-ALL
This words is used to execute a loop for each match found. The loop will be repeated as many times as there are matches.
#( test_re-all \ word "nnCron" contains 3 instances of "n", \ therefore, the loop will be executed 3 times NoActive Action: RE-ALL: "nnCron" "/n/" MSG: "n" ;RE-ALL )#
Detailed description of regular expressions' syntax can be found here.
See also Notes.
Note 1: When working with regular expressions, use variable $0 to access the entire sequence, and variables $1 - $15 to access "remembered" matching groups of characters: $1 - first matching group, $2 - second matching group etc.
#( test_regexp NoActive Action: RE-MATCH: "Firstname Lastname" "/(.*) (.*)/" IF MSG: "$0 = %$0%" \ $0 = Firstname Lastname MSG: "$1 = %$1%" \ $1 = Firstname MSG: "$2 = %$2%" \ $2 = Lastname THEN )#
There is one another interesting regular expression usage example. Let's select all the *.wav files from directory c:\temp and change their file name extension from *.wav to *.mp3:
#( test_regexp_rename
RE-MATCH: "%FOUND-FULLPATH%" "/(.*)\.wav/i"
\ $1 = full path and file name without file name extension
Note 2: Besides being used in words RE-MATCH: è RE-ALL:, regular expressions are also used in nnCron for creating masks for words which perform operations with window names.