Plugin process.spf
File: process.spf
Author: Nicholas Nemtsev
Description: Assigning a specified priority to a process; tracing the moment when the process stops to load the CPU.
New words:
Priority classes:
S" process-name" <priority-class> PRIORITY
Assigns to a process a specified priority from the list of priority classes .
S" process-name" <interval-sec> <min-usage> <max-count> PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE
This postfix word pauses the execution of the task until the specified process stops to load the CPU. When the percentage of time that a process used the CPU becomes lower, than specified in PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE arguments, the task execution is resumed.
There is a description of PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE arguments:
Let's examine the following code::
S" calculator.exe" 10 20 5 PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE
Explanation: pause the task and monitor the calculator.exe CPU time usage for every 10 seconds. Resume the task when the percentage of time that a process used the CPU becomes lower than 20% five time in a row.
#( test_proc-wait-cpu-usage WatchHotKey: "^@r" Action: START-APP: d:\tools\robosoft\robosoft.exe S" robosoft.exe" 2 1 3 PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE BEEP: 500 500 \ ... )#
This word only works in WinNT/2000/XP.
S" process-name" <affinity-mask> AFFINITY
Allows to specify the affinity for a given process (set the processor on which the process are allowed to run). <affinity-mask> is a integer in which each bit represents the processor on which the process are allowed to run. When you set <affinity-mask> to 0, operating systrm scheduling algorithms set the process affinity.
Decimal value | Binary bit mask | Processor in use |
1 | 00000001 | 0 |
3 | 00000011 | 0 è 1 |
7 | 00000111 | 0, 1 è 2 |
8 | 00001000 | 3 |
15 | 00001111 | 0, 1, 2 è 3 |
31 | 00011111 | 0, 1, 2, 3 è 4 |
63 | 00111111 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 è 5 |
127 | 01111111 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 è 6 |
S" plugger.exe" 0 AFFINITY S" test.exe" 3 AFFINITY