plugin system.spf
File: system.spf
Author: Nicholas Nemtsev
Description: Additional words helping to monitor the use of system
memory. They provide information about system memory use; based on this information,
you can decide whether or not you need to use any memory management utilities.
New words:
Returns current memory usage (in percents)
#( test_memload Action: MemLoad 90 > IF BALLOON: "MemLoad Warning" "More then 90%PERCENT% of available memory is used" THEN )#
Returns the amount of total physical memory in bytes.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out TotalPhys . CR
Returns the amount of available physical memory in bytes.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out AvailPhys . CR
Total possible size, in bytes, of the paging file. Note that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out TotalPageFile . CR
Size, in bytes, of space available in the paging file. The operating system can enlarge the paging file from time to time. The dwAvailPageFile member shows the difference between the size of current committed memory and the current size of the paging fileit does not show the largest possible size of the paging file.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out AvailPageFile . CR
Total size, in bytes, of the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out TotalVirt . CR
Size, in bytes, of unreserved and uncommitted memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process.
\ outputting the value to nnCron console and to nncron.out AvailVirt . CR
GetVolID ( letter -- serial_number)
This postfix word takes drive-letter as an argument and returns single signed decimal number, that represents Volume ID (volume serial number) of the specified disk.
See also: GET-VOL-ID
This postfix word takes drive-letter as an argument and returns a string, that represents Volume ID (volume serial number) of the specified disk (in HEX format). You can use such a string, for example, to identify specific compact-disk when it is inserted into CD-ROM drive.
GET-VOL-ID will return the string '0' if the program can not get Volume ID (disk is unreachable or compact-disc is not inserted into CD-ROM drive).
To place a drive-letter to a stack the words CHAR and [CHAR] are used. The word CHAR is used at run-time (in console, for example):
And the word [CHAR] is used at compile-time (when defining tasks in your crontabs):
#( test_volid NoActive Action: \ printing drive F: Volume ID to console: [CHAR] F GET-VOL-ID TYPE CR )#
#( test_volid1 WatchDrive: "F" Action: \ pausing for 20 seconds to let compact disk to 'spin up' PAUSE: 20000 S" 35405AED" [CHAR] F GET-VOL-ID COMPARE 0= IF \ some useful action if the strings with Volume ID are the same THEN )#