Plugin win2tray.spf
File: win2tray.spf
Author: Nicholas Nemtsev
Description: Additional words for manipulating icons in the system
tray; they allow to minimize to tray either a particular window or all windows
matching a specified mask; to find out if a particular window is minimized to
tray; to add any desired icons to system tray (as well as modify or delete them);
to use icons in tray to show if Web sites are accessible or not, etc.
New Words:
WIN-TO-TRAY: "win_pattern"
Minimizes a window matching the specified pattern to the system tray .
Word WIN-TO-TRAY can be preceded by modifier ALL:. In this
case, all windows matching the pattern will be minimized to the system
\ Minimizing to tray a window of Internet Explorer WIN-TO-TRAY: "*Internet Explorer" \ Minimizing to tray all opened windows of Internet Explorer ALL WIN-TO-TRAY: "*Internet Explorer"
There also exists a postfix version of this word:
S" win_pattern" WIN-TO-TRAY
ADD-TI ( a u hicon --
id )
This postfix word can be used to add a desired icon to system tray and to specify
the text which should appear when a user hovers his mouse over the icon.
Word ADD-TI has the following arguments: a string that should appear in a hint when a mouse pointer is placed over the icon, and so-called icon handle, i.e. the icon which should appear in the tray. To create a icon handle, you can "preload" an icon from a file:
S" iconname.ico" LoadIcon
or else you can use one of the numerous Windows constants:
32512 0 LoadIconA
Here is a list of some numerical values of icon constants which you can use:
IDI_APPLICATION | 32512 | ![]() |
IDI_ERROR | 32513 | ![]() |
IDI_QUESTION | 32514 | ![]() |
IDI_WARNING | 32515 | ![]() |
IDI_ASTERISK | 32516 | ![]() |
Word ADD-TI returns an ID of the icon it creates; you can use this ID later to delete or modify the icon (see DEL-TI, MODIFY-TI)
#( test_long_proc NoActive VARIABLE icon_id Action: \ creating an icon in the tray (IDI_WARNING) S" nnCron: long process started" 32515 0 LoadIconA ADD-TI \ saving icon's ID in a variable icon_id ! \ ... working \ deleting the icon icon_id @ DEL-TI )#
See also Note.
This postfix word removes an earler created icon from the system tray. It uses the icon's ID (which was received when the icon was created) as its argument.
#( test_icon \ creating an icon in the tray \ (loading the icon from a specified file) NoActive VARIABLE my_icon_id Action: S" New Icon" S" ico\my_icon.ico" LoadIcon ADD-TI my_icon_id ! \ ... working \ removing the icon from system tray my_icon_id @ DEL-TI )#
Note: it would be a good idea to remove an icon from the tray in the same task which created it in the first place: an icon exists as long as exists the thread which created it. If the task which created a particular icon is completed, the icon becomes a kind of a ghost which disappears when a mouse pointer passes over the system tray. However, it is possible to add an icon to train in the main nnCron thread (from nncron.ini). Then it would be possible to remove the icon from any task.
This postfix word can be used to modify an existing icon in the system tray or to change the hint which appears when a mouse is passed over the icon.
Word MODIFY-TI uses the following arguments: a string which will appear in the hint, icon handle, and icon's ID.
#( test_tray_icons NoActive VARIABLE tray_icon_id Action: \ creating an icon in the tray (IDI_APPLICATION) S" nnCron: task started" 32512 0 LoadIconA ADD-TI \ saving its ID tray_icon_id ! \ ... working \ ... changing the icon in tray (IDI_WARNING) S" nnCron: task continued" 32515 0 LoadIconA tray_icon_id @ MODIFY-TI \ ... working \ removing the icon tray_icon_id @ DEL-TI )#
This word adds to the system tray an icon which shows whether or not a specified
network computer or Web site is available at the moment. The icon will look
like this if the
host is accessible, or like this
if the host is not accessible. A host is considered to be accessible if it can
be pinged. By placing the mouse pointer over this icon you can display a hint
with the host name. When you quit nnCron, this icon is automatically removed
from the system tray. To manually remove this icon from the tray use the word
#( test_add-host WatchLogon: "*" Action: S" strauss" ADD-HOST S"" ADD-HOST )#
This word removes from system tray all the icons added by word ADD-HOST.
#( test_del-host-icons WatchLogoff: "*" Action: DEL-HOST-ICONS )#
This word allows to find out if a specified window is minimized to the tray.
Word IN-TRAY? accepts window
handle of a window as its argument, and it returns a flag: TRUE
(-1) ifa window is minimized to tray and FALSE (0)
if it is not.
#( test_in_tray NoActive Action: \ starting Notepad START-APP: notepad.exe PAUSE: 1000 \ getting window handle of Notepad WIN-EXIST: "*Notepad" IF \ checking if Notepad's window is minimized to tray WIN-HWND IN-TRAY? IF MSG: "Notepad is minimized to tray" ELSE MSG: "Notepad is not minimized to tray" THEN \ minimizing Notepad's window to tray WIN-TO-TRAY: "*Notepad" PAUSE: 1000 \ again checking Notepad's window is minimized to tray WIN-HWND IN-TRAY? IF MSG: "Notepad is minimized to tray" ELSE MSG: "Notepad is not minimized to tray" THEN THEN )#
A list of window handles of windows which has been minimized to the system tray. A detailed discussion of how to work with lists can be found in "Forth First Aid".