Task Options

Task options are placed in the beginning of the task definition (before Action: section) and affect the entire task. Task options modify task behavior, frequency of its execution and may even render the task inactive.

For any given task, a user can specify one or more options or use no options at all.

Options must be separated from each other and from other words with a blank space or tab character or started on a new line.


#( test_option
\ deactivated task
Time: * * * * * *
    \ ... performing some useful actions
#( test_option1 \ options are separated by blank spaces RunOnce NoDel Action: \ ... performing some useful actions )#
#( test_option2 \ each options is on a new line RunOnce NoDel Action: \ ... performing some useful actions )#

You can find the list of task options in nnCron Key Words - Task Options.