Program Overview
nnBackup is a small and convenient command line tool for backing up and synchronising your
files and folders, creating and processing file-lists. When backing up you can
optionally compress the data using internal gz/zip algorithms or your preferred external archiver and
start specified applications before and after main backup process. nnBackup
includes special tools for removing obsolete data from the backup.
Using nnBackup you can choose one of the following backup methods:
- conventional copying of files and folders
- copying your data into a special numbered stack of folders or zip-files
with predefined depth
- incremental backup (like the one, used in Unix dump utility)
- files and folders synchronisation (one- or bidirectional)
- sorting the data to optimally fill a packages (directories) of any predefined size
Main nnBackup advantages:
- small memory footprint
- fastest possible working speed
- full Unicode support
- customizability:
- possibility to set inclusive and exclusive file-name
- working with file creation/modification/last-access times
- working with file size and file attributes
- customizable processing of empty folders and deleted files
- customizable processing of errors when copying files
- switching of a default warning messages language etc...
- automatic starting of specified external applications before or after main
backup process, taking into account their exit codes
- reading startup parameters from a text file
- special test mode (without actual copying/removing files)
- optional logging of all of your backup and many more
nnBackup can be started from command line or from external scheduler like nnCron
or nnCron LITE.