nnCron LITE Predefined Variables

- current hour (00-23)
%mm% - current minute (00-59)

- current second (00-59)

%MM% - month (01-12)
%MMM% - month (Jan-Dec)
%DD% - day of a month (01-31)
%WW% - day of a week (Mo-Su)
%WD% - day of a week (1-7, where 1 is Monday, and 7 is Sunday)
%YYYY% - year (4 digit)
%YY% - year (last 2 digit)

%QUOTE% - quotation mark (")
%PERCENT% - percent sign (%)

Besides, any environment variables, e.g. %PATH% or %COMSPEC% can also be used as nnCron LITE variables.


# calling command interpreter to execute 'del' command
0 * * * * %COMSPEC% /c del /S /Q c:\temp\*